Women Collectors and Collecting Today

Association for Art History featuring Rakeb Sile



The Association’s 2021 Annual Public Lecture will take the form of an online panel discussion about collecting strategies from women engaged in forming and advising on a range of collections from several continents. The programme follows on from the Association’s 2020 Annual Public Lecture—which explored and celebrated the extraordinary achievements of several women collectors, curators and exhibition organisers in nineteenth-century Europe—taking the subject into the 21st century and with a broader look at collecting, specifically in the areas of British Modern and Contemporary Art, African American Art, Modern and Contemporary South Asian art and contemporary African Art.


The panel will be chaired by Deborah Smith, Director of the Arts Council Collection UK, and panellists will include Schwanda Rountree, a collector and art consultant based in based in Washington, D.C.; Manjari Sihare Sutin, Vice President, Specialist and Head of Salein the Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art department at Sotherby’s New York; and Rakeb Sile, Co-Founder of Addis Fine Art, London and Addis Ababa. Each panellist will give a short presentation about their work and there will also be a Q&A session, with the opportunity for members of the audience to ask questions via the Zoom Q&A function. Questions can also be emailed in advance to: info@forarthistory.org.uk


Topics for discussion will include, among others: how collections, both private and public, are formed and shaped; the role and perception of women advisors/collectors within the areas of collecting represented by the speakers; whether women bring particular sensibilities to the collecting process and/or are interested in areas less traditionally collected by men; and how artists can be supported in the collecting process.


This event will take place live  online on Wednesday 3 November 2021 |  5.30 - 7pm

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