Art 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair – Roundtable: How has Covid-19 impacted African art?

OMAR BEN YEDDER, New Africa, October 8, 2020

[...] One of the annual highlights of New African's arts coverage is our collaboration with 1-154 Contemporary African Art Fair, the biggest fair of its kind, held in London, New York and Marrakesh. On the eve of its London event in October, New African publisher Omar Ben Yedder moderated a roundtable that included Touria El Glaoui, the fair's founder and organiser, artists Dudu More, Tuli Mekondjo and Tsedaye Makonnen, and Rakeb Sile, co-founder of the gallery Addis Fine Art. The theme was to assess the impact - negative as well as positive - of the pandemic on these creatives. [...]

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