Art and the Home

Harriet Griffey, The London Magazine, February 4, 2021

[...]  For Addis Fine Art, opening their gallery in 2020 with an inaugural exhibition of Tadesse Mesfin’s paintings at the new Cromwell Place art space coincided with Covid’s impact, but it wasn’t all negative. “The pandemic has given us all much-needed time to cement our digital presence and we have also found that collectors are more open to buying online too, which wasn’t necessarily the case before,” says co-founder Rakeb Sile. “Art is incredibly subjective and emotive, so I think that a personal bond with a particular artwork is important. If a piece of art does move you, then the next step is to research the artist’s career, previous shows, and any galleries they may work with. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the galleries or artist for more information, images and guidance.” [...]

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