Art Dubai, the First Major In-Person Art Fair Since the Pandemic, Proves That Collectors Are Ready to Show Up and Spend

Rebecca Anne Proctor, Artnew News, April 2, 2021

[...] The fair has adopted a growing focus on art from Africa and its diaspora in recent years, and the material found an eager audience. Third-time participant Gallery 1957, with bases in London and Accra, sold four works by Ivory Coast-based artist Joana Choumali in the range of $10,000 to $16,000. Addis Fine Art, of Addis Ababa and London, sold works by rising Ethiopian star Tizta Berhanu in the region of £4,000 to £6,000.


“We find that [Dubai] is a great middle ground for us to connect with South Asia and the Middle East,” said Rakeb Sile, co-founder of Addis Fine Art. 

International collectors flocked to Dubai in the dozens. Yet missing were the many museum groups that usually fill the aisles—an indication of the financial challenges facing institutions following the pandemic. [...]

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