Interview with Rakeb Sile & Mesai Haileleul | Addis Fine Art

Editor, CFHILL, June 2, 2021

[...] We are so excited about this collaboration between CFHILL and Addis Fine Art! As founders of Addis Fine Art, what does 'From Modern to Contemporary' mean in relation to your gallery’s mission and the artists you work with?

Rakeb: From Modern to Contemporary is an exciting opportunity for Addis Fine Art to showcase the very best of the artists that we represent and work with. As the gallery has a focused and curated program, the exhibition came about naturally, and reflects the diversity of our roster. We work with established modernists such as Tadesse Mesfin and Lulseged Retta, but also nurture emerging talent from the region, like Tizta Berhanu and Selome Muleta. Bringing all these artists together in one space gives audience an abbreviated look at the history of Ethiopian art and the developing talent in the region today.. [...]

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