Rakeb Sile, Mesai Haileleul and Michael Elmenbeck: Addis Fine Art x CFHILL

Editor, Art Breath, June 30, 2021

[...] When two art establishments decide to come together and collaborate, a magical artistic environment may occur;  and that is what happened upon Addis Fine Art and CFHILL Art Space opening the exhibition "From Modern to Contemporary: Artists from the Horn of Africa and Diaspora". The exhibition which features artists of Ethiopian, Eritrean and Sudanese descent is held at CFHILL in Stockholm, Sweden, and showcases a range of artistic splendour, all revealing impactful ideas and notions on society, identity, politics and emotion.


Four main categories are presented in the exhibition, The Modernists, The Contemporary, The Diaspora and Emerging Artists, laid out over two floors in the five galleries of CFHILL Art Space. The poignant and impressive artworks are displayed to interact with each other, highlighting their diverse, rich and multiple cultural entities, as well as ignite a cultural exchange with the viewer.

Rakeb Sile and Mesai Haileleul of Addis Fine Art and Michael Elmenbeck of CFHILL Art Space, share through our conversation, their passion for adding to the narrative, highlighting, and bringing to the forefront diverse and meaningful art. Felt throughout, is their dedication to the arts, their drive to ensure that all art is made visible and that artist retain at all times the possibility to create and have a voice. Our conversation encompassed how their collaboration came about, what is important to them, and how their journey into art all began. [...]

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