What Sold at Frieze London and Frieze Masters 2021

Veena McCoole, Artsy, October 18, 2021

[...] “After such a long period of lockdown and people being afraid of socializing—or not socializing at all—I was surprised at how many people came,” said Rakeb Sile, co-founder and director of Addis Fine Art, which exhibited in the “Focus” section of Frieze London. “It’s been great to speak with collectors that haven’t seen our program before, as well as those who have been following us for a while.”


Sales highlights from small and mid-size galleries at Frieze London included the following:


  • Addis Fine Art, which simultaneously had a booth at 1-54, sold out its “Focus” presentation on the first day of its Frieze debut. The solo booth of works by Ethiopian-born artist Merikokeb Berhanu featured prices between £8,000 and £22,000 ($11,000–$30,000), with three works going to institutions. [...]
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