Galerie Lelong & Co., New York to represent Tariku Shiferaw

Art Daily, October 23, 2020

[...] NEW YORK, NY.- Galerie Lelong & Co., New York, announced its representation of Ethiopian American artist Tariku Shiferaw (b. 1983). The gallery will hold its first solo exhibition of his works in Spring 2021.

Tariku Shiferaw is known for his practice of mark-making that explores the metaphysical ideas of painting and societal structures. This formal language of geometric abstraction is executed through densely layering material to create “marks,” gestures that interrogate space-making and reference the hierarchy of systems. As the artist explains, “A mark, as physical and present as cave-markings… reveals the thinker behind the gesture—an evidence of prior markings of ideas and self onto the space.”[...]

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